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J Esthet Restor Dent ; 32(8): 738-746, 2020 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32785983


OBJECTIVES: Digital smile design (DSD) is useful in planning multidisciplinary esthetic treatments. However, DSD requires clinician training and skill to ensure its effective use. The Digital smile design application (DSDapp) was recently developed, to facilitate such planning. The objective of this study was to illustrate the use of the DSDapp for esthetic planning in a clinical case that included periodontal plastic surgery and ceramic laminate veneers. CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS: An intraoral digital scan was performed, and a photograph was obtained using an iPad (frontal facial full smile). The images were analyzed using the DSDapp. All reference lines were inserted, and dental shapes predetermined by the app were superimposed on the photographs. A digital diagnostic wax-up was performed considering the plan created in the DSDapp. After 3D printing the wax-up, a mock-up transferred the planning to the oral cavity. Following this, the patient was referred to a periodontist for the periodontal plastic surgery. After the healing period, the teeth were prepared for computer-aided design/computer-aided modeling lithium disilicate ceramic laminate veneers. CONCLUSIONS: DSDapp use accelerated the initial planning steps. Smile planning can be performed during the clinical session with the patient's active participation. In addition, the DSDapp facilitated better communication within the multidisciplinary team. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The DSDapp relies more on intuition than on skill and training to execute the treatment plan. The DSDapp provides immediate feedback to the patient, offering greater predictability and helps monitor the planning through all the clinical stages.

Facetas Dentárias , Estética Dentária , Cerâmica , Desenho Assistido por Computador , Porcelana Dentária , Humanos , Sorriso
Compend Contin Educ Dent ; 40(9): 590-599, 2019 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31573218


This article reports on the case of a patient who underwent a multidisciplinary treatment in smile design that entailed dental cosmetic techniques involving esthetic periodontal surgery, teeth bleaching, and re-anatomization of the upper incisors. The male patient presented with a chief complaint of an excessive gingival display while smiling, as well as small, darkened teeth with spaces between them. After diagnosis and patient consent, therapy began in the following stages: periodontal plastic surgery with probing, bleeding points delimitation, beveled incision, removal of the gingival band with periodontal curettes, and finishing with an electric scalpel. After 21 days following surgery, dental bleaching using a combined technique that included two sessions of in-office bleaching (35% hydrogen peroxide) and 2 weeks of at-home bleaching (carbamide peroxide 16% for 4 hours per day) was carried out, followed by dental re-anatomization using resin composite. Diagnostic waxing, mock-up, fabrication of a palatal silicone index, incremental sculpturing, and structuring the restoration of the palatal shell to the vestibular surfaces was then completed, followed by occlusal adjustment, finishing, and polishing. The multidisciplinary intervention was fundamental for the accomplishment of the proposed treatment that combined biological, functional, and esthetic concepts.

Clareamento Dental , Resinas Compostas , Estética Dentária , Gengivoplastia , Humanos , Masculino , Peróxidos , Sorriso , Ureia
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 5(1): 113-123, jun. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1007364


Introdução:lentes de contato dentais podem ser uma excelente opção para correção de cor, forma, tamanho e posicionamento dental. Entretanto é umtratamentoque requer várias etapas laboratoriais com riscos de distorções nas etapas de moldagem e vazamento do modelo. Desta forma, desadaptações dos laminados em boca podem ser frequentes.Objetivo:relatar um caso clínico de nove laminados cerâmicos em que foi empregado o escaneamento digital, troquelização virtual e prototipagem do modelo em 3D.Método:paciente do gênero feminino, 59 anos, buscou atendimento odontológico queixando-se de desproporcionalidade dentária ao sorrir. Ao exame clínico foi observada uma inclinação maxilar que causava aquela desarmonia. Foi proposta a confecção de laminados cerâmicos para compensar a discrepância óssea bem como melhorar forma, contorno e cromia dentária. Após planejamento digital, confecção do enceramento diagnóstico, mock up, e aceita do planejamento por parte da paciente, iniciaram-se os preparos dentários. Finalizada esta etapa, os dentes foram escaneados (Trios 3Shape), troquelizados e prototipados em impressora 3D. O modelo foi encaminhado ao laboratório que confeccionou as peças protéticas em dissilicato de lítio de forma injetada e maquiada. Por fim, foram realizadas as provas secas, úmidas, ajustes necessários e cimentação dos laminados com cimento resinoso fotopolimerizável.Conclusão:a tecnologia empregada se mostrou eficiente na resolução do caso, sendo uma técnica rápida, que causou pouco desconforto à paciente e oportunizou uma boa adaptação dos laminados cerâmicos (AU).

Introduction:laminates veneers can be an excellent choice for color correction, shape, size and dental positioning. However, it is a technique that requires several laboratory steps with risks of distortion in the molding and casting steps of the model. Thus, maladjustments of laminatesin the mouth may be frequent.Objective:to report a clinical case of nine ceramic laminates through the digital scanning, virtual punching and 3D prototyping of the model.Methods:A 59 years old woman showed up to dental clinic searched dental care complaining of dental disproportionality when smiling. At the clinical examination, a maxillary inclination was observed that caused disharmony. It was proposed the making of ceramic laminates to compensate the bone discrepancy as well as improve shape, contour and dental color. After the digital planning, preparation diagnostic wax-up, mock up, and acceptance of patient planning, the dental preparations were started. After this step, the teeth were scanned (Trios 3Shape), punched and prototyped in a 3D printer. The model was sent to the laboratory to do the prosthetic parts in lithium disilicate in an injected and makeup manner. At last, it were made the tests dry, wet, required adjustments finally cementation of the ceramic laminates with photopolymerizable resin cement. Conclusions:the technology employed was efficient in solving this case, being a fast technique, which caused little discomfort to the patient and provided a good adaptation of the ceramic laminates (AU).

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Tecnologia Odontológica/métodos , Imageamento Tridimensional/métodos , Porcelana Dentária , Facetas Dentárias , Estética Dentária , Brasil